Bridesmaid Dress

Bridesmaid Dress

Nowdays,almost brides will choose good friends as bridesmaid,this is popular and It is a symbol of happiness to be blessed by best friends.
Let talk about the origin of bridesmaid dresses.
Bridesmaids originally dressed alike to confuse vengeful spirits from harming the bride.There is a theory that the tradition of bridesmaids dressing alike dates back to ancient Rome, the bride considered to be prime bait for vengeful spirits. So, all the women dressed alike to confuse the spirits from interrupting the bride and groom’s nuptials.Another theory, however, dates back to the Victorian era. Dr. Liz Gloyn, a lecturer in Royal Holloway at the University of London, told The Independent that the tradition stemmed from fear of competition.
Have you ever been a bridesmaid?Which one dress style for bridesmaid that you will choose?

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