Evening Dress, Wedding Dress

Ball Gown and Petticoat

Women in love with beauty have existed in all ages. It makes women feel happy to walk down the street in a beautiful and fashionable long dress and attract people’s attention.
Long before,the measure of a woman’s family wealth and social status is her dress.If a woman’s dress is made of fine lace, the hem can be layered and sewn in long drapery, covered with fine ornaments and jewels, and the skirt can be made of affordable whale whiskers, it is a thing worth showing off to her companion.
Petticoat-The most important part of a full skirt is the petticoat.The petticoat is the subversive idea of The Spanish designer Fazeigel, who invented the earliest one.
The effect is to give the skirt a three-dimensional frame and make the hem swell up.Hoops were first made of wire, with horsehair and linen wound around the wire.Standing is fine and maintains a perfect posture, but women can’t sit down.After designers discovered that it was flexible ,it doesn’t get in the way of walking, sitting or lying down, and it doesn’t ruin the perfect skirt design, they adopted it.But it’s not cheap,because whaling was not easy at the time, so most people could still wear hoops with wire frames.
Women of royal families often sit and lie down, and change it 1-2 times a week. Women of merchant families change it on a monthly or quarterly basis. Women of ordinary families,the petticoat will change out of shape if they wear them for more than a year.So the petticoat is a kind of luxury, cannot clean and easy to be out of shape.In spite of this, they still fascinate women because they make them more elegant and attractive.
Up to now,the ball gown is also popular and fashion,and the petticoat is made of comfortable fabric now.
Do you like to wear a ball gown?

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